Senin, 28 Desember 2009


Now technology is an important thing in our life. In education, business, and relationship in society, we need good technology that can help us in communication, knowledge, and also some important information that we need. In communication we know there are hand phone, email, etc help us to communicating with the other. For knowledge there are internet, newspaper, television, and radio help us. And for important information we can use internet to help us find that.

Communication is an important thing to have relationship with the other. And now there are hand phone and email that can help us to make some communication. Hand phone is a communication device that we can bring where ever so we can make communication like with send short message service (SMS) or we can call who ever that we want. And email is electronic mail that help us to send letter quickly without go to post office first.

Knowledge is something that we need to know what happen in the world. And technologies that help us to get it are internet, television, and radio. We can get the update information from that. Like internet, there is always written news highlight. From television, and radio we can see and listen news that informs us about something that been happened in the world and something that added in our life.

We usually want to know about something that makes some big question in our mind. Now there is internet will help us to answer whatever question in our mind. Like "google", we just type the keyword, and for a second it been answered.

There are a few example that make we know technology have good effect in societies,bot only in relationship but also in business, education, etc. There are hand phone and email that help us in communication. Internet , television, and radio that help us to know whatever we want to know. Use it in the right ways. I mean, never use it to get something that can destroy your life and our life, like porn, or something that will scare the other.

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